Sunday, 7 December 2014

Carrow Cup Traditional Boats REVISED results

Dear Carrow Cup competitors. I, your handicapper humbly beg your pardons for making an error in the handicaps. The revised result is below.

Carrow Cup 2014 Finishing order and corrected times Elapsed time Corrected 
actual time 
Name Club boat boat name
137 Alder Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Dauntless 00:19:42 00:17:37
129 Edwards Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Spirit of Dunkirk 00:22:28 00:18:05
134 White Southend CRC Seax gig Rozinante 00:22:07 00:18:19
126 Burley Lower Thames RC Skiff Renown 00:24:49 00:18:26
136 Sverdloff Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Spirit of Trafalgar 00:20:40 00:18:29
127 Marczewski CRA Blakeney St Ayles skiff Hoi Larntan 00:25:09 00:19:02
133 Combe CRA Blakeney St Ayles skiff Bluejacket 00:23:34 00:19:49
135 Hodge Norfolk Skiff Club Thames skiff 26' Cherub 00:22:23 00:19:53
130 Jackson-Smith Lower Thames RC Hanningfield Hybrid gig Proud Mary 00:24:56 00:20:04
161 Williams Norfolk gig Pilot gig Sowenna 00:21:59 00:20:14
132 Paice Lower Thames RC Skiff Leigh Ho 00:24:50 00:20:34
128 Cranness Norfolk Skiff Club skiff 20' Widgeon 00:29:37 00:24:05
125 Irons Carrow YC skiff 16' 1X+ 00:37:09 00:24:51
131 Sassoon Norfolk Skiff Club Thames skiff 20'10" Seraph 00:33:52 00:27:56

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Carrow Cup 2014 Results (Traditional Boats)

Carrow Cup 2014 (Traditional boats) results
Club Boat type Boat name Crew Elapsed  Corrected
M/F time time
137 Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Dauntless M 00:19:42 00:17:50
129 Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Spirit of Dunkirk F 00:22:28 00:18:18
126 Lower Thames RC Skiff Renown F 00:24:49 00:18:30
134 Southend CRC Seax gig Rozinante F 00:22:07 00:18:41
136 Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Spirit of Trafalgar M 00:20:40 00:18:42
127 CRA Blakeney St Ayles skiff Hoi Larntan F 00:25:09 00:19:06
133 CRA Blakeney St Ayles skiff Bluejacket M 00:23:34 00:19:53
135 Norfolk Skiff Club Thames skiff 26' Cherub M 00:22:23 00:19:58
130 Lower Thames RC Hanningfield Hybrid gig Proud Mary F 00:24:56 00:20:18
132 Lower Thames RC Skiff Leigh Ho M 00:24:50 00:20:34
161 Norfolk gig Pilot gig Sowenna Mx 00:21:59 00:20:46
128 Norfolk Skiff Club skiff 20' Widgeon M 00:29:37 00:24:05
125 Carrow YC skiff 16' 1X+ M 00:37:09 00:24:51
131 Norfolk Skiff Club Thames skiff 20'10" Seraph M 00:33:52 00:27:56

14 traditional boats mustered at Pull's Ferry in the centre of Norwich to compete for the Carrow Bi-centenary Bowl. In glorious sunshine and little wind the crews started in handicap order, with the slowest boats starting first.

Once again Lower Thames Rowing Club took the trophy.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Carrow Cup latest

Thirteen crews will come under starter's orders in the "traditional" division of the Carrow Cup rowing race in Norwich at 11.30 on Saturday 6th December. The race, now in its 201st year, starts at Pull's Ferry in the centre of Norwich and is raced over the traditional course to Whitlingham.

Both large and small boats will race against each other on handicap, with the slowest starting first. The winner will be the crew completing the course in the fastest corrected time. (Corrected Time = Elapsed Time x Handicap)

Club boat boat name H'cap Start time
Carrow YC skiff 16' 1X+ 0.669 11:30:00
Lower Thames RC Skiff Renown 0.745 11:33:00
CRA Blakeney St Ayles skiff Hoi Larntan 0.760 11:33:20
Norfolk Skiff Club skiff 20' Widgeon 0.813 11:34:40
Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Spirit of Dunkirk 0.815 11:35:00
Lower Thames RC Hanningfield Hybrid gig Proud Mary 0.815 11:35:20
Norfolk Skiff Club Thames skiff 20'10" Seraph 0.825 11:35:40
Lower Thames RC Skiff Leigh Ho 0.828 11:36:00
CRA Blakeney St Ayles skiff Bluejacket 0.844 11:36:40
Southend CRC Seax gig Rozinante 0.845 11:37:00
Norfolk Skiff Club Thames skiff 26' Cherub 0.892 11:38:00
Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Spirit of Trafalgar 0.905 11:38:40
Lower Thames RC Hanningfield hybrid gig Dauntless 0.905 11:39:00